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Be Grateful for a Healthy Smile this Thanksgiving

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Here are some tips to keep a healthy, good-looking smile this Thanksgiving.

November is finally here and that only means one thing- Thanksgiving! This time of year is a great time to spend with family and friends, reflecting on what you’re grateful for and enjoying the mighty fine Thanksgiving feast. One thing, however, that not a lot of people think about during this time of year is the effect the food and drinks are having on their teeth. It’s important to have a good time during the Thanksgiving season, but it’s also important to take care of your teeth.

Here are some tips to ensure you keep a healthy smile during your Thanksgiving feast:

  • Cavity-bacteria feasts off of sugar, so try to limit your sugar input and make sure to drink a glass of water afterward. You can even substitute sugar for xylitol, erythritol, or any other sugar substitute.
  • Starch is very similar to sugar in that it feeds bacteria that causes tooth decay and cavities. Try to limit the number of starchy foods or cut it out completely.
  • Brightly colored foods or drink, such as cranberry sauce, red wine, and coffee, can cause tooth enamel stain. Stay away from these foods this Thanksgiving season or just make sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist right after.
  • Vegetables are full of calcium, so make sure to load up on them this Thanksgiving to help strengthen your teeth.

There’s no need to cut out any yummy Thanksgiving foods or drinks, but it’s probably best to limit the amount. It’s also probably a good idea to schedule a cleaning after the holiday to make sure your smile is still as healthy as can be.

Our team at Dental Innovations in Gallup are grateful for you and we want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! We look forward to seeing you after the holiday!